Boilsoft Video Cutter是一个非常简便的视频剪切软件,可以不重新编码而剪切视频,即截取视频片段并另外为单独的文件,支持MPEG, AVI, RM, WMV, MP4, 3GP, H.264, MOV, DAT等格式。不过测试后发现对RM、RMB的兼容性较差。

Boilsoft Video Cutter只能完成视频剪切操作,因此功能上不如之前介绍的剪辑工具Boilsoft Video Splitter,下载解压后直接运行VideoCutterPortable.exe,当前版本Boilsoft Video Cutter 1.23 Build 112便携版;若需要合并视频,则可以尝试Boilsoft Video Joiner。

Boilsoft Video Cutter, a powerful video-cutting software, it helps you to cut down your favorite video part and catch the best moments from all kinds of video materials, such as movies, MTVs, and homemade films.


Boilsoft Video Cutter works without re-encoding technology so the speed of video cutting is faster than any other similar products. Using Direct Stream Copy Technology, the quality of the target file is same as the source.

Boilsoft Video Cutter下载信息

压缩包MD5: 5A0D268EF731BC2262B8F4A9EB28790C

开始下载Boilsoft Video Cutter 1.23 Build 112绿色便携版
Boilsoft.Video.Cutter_PortableSoft.7z | 10.7 MB
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