您即将下载的软件是 Everything (1.68 MB): 速度最快最好用的文件搜索工具,可以基于文件名极速搜索、瞬间定位文件,所有匹配的文件或文件夹都会实时显示。

为确保软件能正常运行,请下载压缩包后使用最新版 7-Zip 或 WinRAR 解压后再运行或安装。如果 Everything 有了新版本,烦请联系我们,我们将及时更新。

Everything 绿色便携版下载地址列表:

  • . 城通网盘: https://474b.com/file/763521-426223205
  • . 百度网盘:

    提取密码: mzhj

  • . 蓝奏云盘: https://www.lanzoui.com/i9xgilc
  • . 官方原版/安装包: https://www.voidtools.com/zh-cn/downloads/


Everything 更新日志:

  1. Fixed an issue with using the wrong column index in lvm_getcolumn.
  2. Fixed an issue with the es: url protocol.
  3. Fixed an issue with everything holding onto volume handles after registerdevicenotification fails.
  4. Fixed an issue with treating unmounted volumes as ntfs.
  5. Fixed another crash with unaligned memory access and some usb disk drivers.
  6. Fixed an issue when renaming a file or folder.
  7. Fixed a crash with unaligned memory access and some usb disk drivers.
  8. Fixed an issue with everything not showing as an active window correctly.
  9. Fixed an issue with windows 10 not giving everything focus from the system tray after opening and closing the startmenu not working when creating a new window.
  10. Fixed an issue with windows 10 not giving everything focus from the system tray after opening and closing the startmenu.
  11. Fixed an issue with scheduled folder updates never occuring for network drives when waking from sleep.
  12. Fixed an issue when permanently deleting folders with really long filenames.
  13. Fixed an issue with gathering icons for files with paths longer than 260 characters.
  14. Fixed an issue with ipc query returning the incorrect total items.
  15. Fixed an issue with hidden windows staying hidden forever.
  16. Fixed an issue with rendering negative visible result items.
  17. Fixed an issue with saving column positions and widths.
  18. Fixed an issue with showing suggestions above the search box.
  19. Fixed an issue with context menus ignoring base keys.
  20. Fixed an issue with everything resetting the sort after rebuilding the database.
  21. Fixed an issue with accessing offline volumes.
  22. Fixed an issue with comparing dc: to dm:
  23. Fixed an issue with attrib:d
  24. Improved folder indexing and rescanning performance.
  25. Access denied dialog will now prompt to install the everything service by default when store settings and data in %appdata%everything is enabled.