您即将下载的软件是 Opera Next 17.0.1241.18 (30.6 MB): Opera Next 是 Opera 最新 Chrome/Blink 内核浏览器的预览版,在集成较新功能特性的同时保持良好的稳定性。
为确保软件能正常运行,请下载压缩包后使用最新版 7-Zip 或 WinRAR 解压后再运行或安装。如果 Opera Next 有了新版本,烦请联系我们,我们将及时更新。
Opera Next 17.0.1241.18 绿色版下载地址列表:
- . 城通网盘: http://www.400gb.com/file/29798970
- . 百度网盘: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1046846134&uk=587538758
- . 官方原版/安装包: http://get.geo.opera.com/pub/opera-next/17.0.1241.18/win/Opera_Next_17.0.1241.18_Setup.exe
Opera Next 17.0.1241.18 更新日志:
- Split source string "Enabled" according to context
- Crash when stopping page while invalid certificate dialog is shown
- Trimmed strings in badge geolocation callout in different languages
- Address bar shows previous address while auth/cert dialogs are displayed when navigating by entering address with another dialog open
- Opera crashes on disabling extension with broken javascript dialog
- After creating a folder and opening new speed dial, folder lacks items
- Animation glitch when creating a folder
- Crash on clearing camera/mic setting from badge popup
- Extension pages don't allow extension API in loaded iframes
- "Sign in" instead of "Log in"
- Extension permision button style fix
- Opera menu does not open on mouse down
- Extension checksum check fails for some bundled extensions
- Mac terminology for saving bookmarks
- Translation of "Restart" depends on the context