FastStone Capture绿色便携版 - 极品屏幕截图工具
更新:2013-06-06 浏览:7+次您即将下载的软件是 FastStone Capture 7.4 (4.48 MB): 一款极好用的图像浏览、编辑和截屏工具,体积小巧、功能强大而又操作简便,有方便的浮动工具条和便捷的快捷键,图片保存选项丰富。
为确保软件能正常运行,请下载压缩包后使用最新版 7-Zip 或 WinRAR 解压后再运行或安装。如果 FastStone Capture 有了新版本,烦请联系我们,我们将及时更新。
FastStone Capture 7.4 绿色便携版下载地址列表:
鉴于版权因素,本站提供的 FSCapture 绿色版为 30 天全功能试用版,试用到期后,必须购买正版许可证才能继续使用,请知晓。
- . 城通网盘:
- . 百度网盘:
- . 官方原版/安装包:
- . FSCapture 正版注册码:
FastStone Capture 7.4 更新日志:
- Supports touch interface
- Added 2 new options in the Settings: "Auto-hide capture toolbar when it reaches the top of the screen", "Bigger buttons on capture toolbar".
- Improved the Print dialog
- Improved the "Fixed Region" capture tool: now you can press Shift + arrow keys to adjust the width and height of the fixed region
- Added a hotkey for "Import from Clipboard" in the Hotkeys tab of the Settings
- Now it is possible to use the screen capture and screen recorder at the same time if you disable the new option "Hide Toolbar when using Screen Recorder" in the Settings
- Now you can preview the fonts in the font list of the Draw tool
- Added a "Blur" button in the image editor
- Added a "Save" button to the Email window when "To Email" is selected as the Output destination
- Added an option to adjust the volume of mouse click sound for the screen recorder
- Supports output to Excel
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes